Saturday, September 10, 2011


This Monday is Jacob’s 24th birthday, and the first of birthdays we’ve spent as a married couple. Last year I ended up with food poisoning on his day, so let’s hope for a better turn out this year.

We went to his PT picnic last night, the Avett Brothers’ concert, and today is the big surprise birthday gift! I may or may not be building this up to be way more thrilling than it is, but I’m excited. Just told him this morning what it is, so I can finally write it here. We are going zip-lining and rappelling in North Ga for 3 hours! I'll be sure to post photos.

The week has been exhausting. One day off work is great, but making up for what you’ve missed is not.
Jake and I have been talking about what I should do - What career God wants me to pursue. I have always been someone with a plan. Someone who writes every little detail on a post-it note, planner, and even journal. And it’s not because I’m forgetful. It’s a means of security.

That being said, my being unsure of where God will take me next doesn’t always sit well. I’m praying for peace and guidance and for him to be my confidence and security. The world tells me “How can you not know what you want to do? You were in college for four years!” But I have to see this time as an opportunity for God to move in great ways and for me to impact in any way. Jake reminded me that I have to give God room to work rather than formatting him into my plans. 

Jacob, on the other hand, loves the unknown. Being secure usually means life isn’t very adventurous to him. Sometimes I get frustrated with his ability to handle life’s ups and downs so seamlessly, but now I’m finding myself thankful. Thankful that he can encourage me, prays for me, and empathizes with me. You know before being married that you are a great match and that God is the reason you are together, that he holds all things together. And once you experience marriage, you are continuously reminded of how each individual has been uniquely crafted not only for the other person, but for marriage -- for the challenges and joy that come with sharing life and doing life as one. God is so good. And he is growing us in ways we cannot understand at this moment. 

"Faith is living in advance what we will only understand in reverse." - Wayne Corderio

The Stagnaros

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Time to Rebuild

Aaaand we’re back. The past few weeks have been busy ones. Jacob is getting used to the grueling schedule that comes with PT school, and I am searching for new hobbies to fill my evenings. It’s one of the strangest feelings to no longer have school work. Jacob is not a fan.
One of my long lost hobbies is reading. I’ve recently begun the Redemption Series by Karen Kingsbury which has spurred on more than a few emotional breakdowns, including my sobbing and saying, “He died!” to Jacob over the phone. He wasn’t too happy to find out it was all over a character in my book.
It’s just something about the way she writes and connects faith to truly devastating circumstances. Her books are always great reminders that as Christians, life is not meant to be easy or comfortable, but we will have a hope.
The second book takes place during Sept 11, 2001 which is emotional enough, but I hadn’t realized the timing of my reading this particular story. The 10 year anniversary is next Saturday. Jake and I watched a few episodes of a new Discovery Channel series ‘Rising: Rebuilding Ground Zero.’ Of course, I cried, but it is truly inspirational what they are doing with the area that once represented devastation, these families who were left with nothing, but held on to hope despite anger, fear, and loss. It’s amazing.
Thank you God for restoration, redemption, for providing security, and being our hope.
I trust that God is able to show us how to focus not on ourselves, but on those who are hurting and are in desperate need of healing, encouragement, and love. I trust that he’s preparing our hearts and minds to do great things through him and for him even among devastation.
Ecclesiastes 3:1, 3, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven…a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build….” (NIV)

love, the stagnaros